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Topical CBD For Arthritis Pain: Use And its Benefits

Arthritis is swelling in one or both joints, mainly caused by stiffness. Hundreds of conditions could cause joint pain, including defects in tissues or the tissues connecting to joints causing a person to move barely. Arthritis is usually defined as a word used for pain. It has many other types, like rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis, and many others. Reports by the center for disease control and prevention say that over 32.5 million young people are affected by osteoarthritis in the United States.

CBD has been known to be used for pain relief for thousands of years, and it has been observed that the people who use cannabis for arthritis give positive feedback about CBD stating that they feel noticeable relief and that it is quite effective in good sleep, reducing anxiety and depression. At the same time, some people don’t feel any development regarding the use of cannabis.

Benefits of Using CBD for Arthritis:

According to a study, cannabis was used to treat conditions like arthritis, PTSD, and anxiety. The study found the success ratio to be 36%. A physical medicine consultant in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Dr. Thomas Lazoff is a double board-certified physician who states, “I am more apt to recommend CBD before anyone being placed on any opioids.”

According to him, Topical CBD can be an excellent reciprocal to other medications used to treat joint pain. It helps treat joint pain and can be tolerated and less problematic as it is not harmful to organs compared to the different ways of treating arthritis with medicines.

How it Works:

CBD interacts with ECS receptors and hinders the sensation of pain. ECS is an endocannabinoid system responsible for regulating a cluster of systems in the human body, like sleep, emotions, the immune system, and pain control. Cannabis naturally has the same compounds as an endocannabinoid system in the human body. Cannabis can affect the release of neurotransmitters to the brain, which control the sensation of pain and anxiety with other different behaviors.


The main symptoms of arthritis are:


Some causes of arthritis may differ for different people, as well as their effect may vary for an individual, but some of them are:


There are some types of arthritis, and among them, the most common types of arthritis are:

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Studies say that osteoarthritis is one of the most common types; it usually grows over time and increases with age. It affects the whole joint causing swelling and affecting bone, fats, cartilage, and tissues. Some crucial symptoms include a reduction in movement of different joints in the body, i.e., lower back, neck, and knees.

Rheumatoid (RA)

Rheumatoid arthritis causes different joints of the body and is an autoimmune disease. It causes swelling and pain, and one can face stiffness many times. Rheumatoid left its effects for a long time. Symptoms may include fever and stiffness. Mainly you can face it in the morning for more than half an hour, and tenderness may last for more than six weeks.

How to Use CBD:

People use cannabis for different purposes in their daily life, and it has been used since ancient times. Topical CBD can also be used for arthritis pain. You can use it in many ways. It can be inhaled, applied on the skin, and taken via mouth. Cannabis oil can be applied to joints that help relieve pain by interacting with the endocannabinoid receptors.

People with profound knowledge of cannabis do not suggest taking it through edibles such as gummies and cookies as it is accessible to children and should not be in their reach, like medicines. The three possible ways to take it are oral, applying it on the skin, and inhaling.


Before using any topical CBD product for arthritis, do contact a doctor first. They will suggest you after considering the following things about the products:


This article brings you the benefits of using CBD for Arthritis pain. Studies suggest that cannabinoid is helpful in arthritis pain. 36% of the people who used cannabis while in arthritis found it helpful in reducing pain. There are different types of arthritis pain; among them, Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid (RA) are the most common ones. CBD can be taken orally, applied on the skin, and inhaled via vapes and pens. Many CBD products are available online, and you can buy them here on the Online CBD Store.

Symptoms include swelling, pain, and stiffness. Pre-injured joints may cause post-traumatic arthritis by age and may cause severe pain. A person should maintain their weight to have less chance of obesity as it is one of the leading causes of arthritis. Further studies are needed to get to know more about the long-lasting effects of the use of CBD in daily life.

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