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The Steps to Getting a Medical Marijuana Recommendation

Medical marijuana is a great way to help with many different diagnoses and conditions. If you’re interested in starting to use marijuana as a way to manage your condition, there are a few steps you’ll need to follow in pursuit of getting a medical marijuana recommendation. Here are the typical steps that someone will take to get a medical marijuana recommendation, so you can prepare yourself.

Become Familiar With Your State’s Laws

The first step is to make sure you understand your state’s laws. Currently, the federal government has decided to leave the issue of legalization largely up to the individual states. Some states have fairly robust options for medical marijuana, some states have significant restrictions on their medical marijuana options, and some states don’t have medical marijuana available at all. It’s important that you look up your state’s specific restrictions and requirements.

Make Sure You’re Eligible

Next, you’ll want to take a look at the list of qualifying conditions for your state. If you have one of those conditions, you’re on the right path; however, you need to make sure that you have the necessary documentation to prove it. Make sure you have documentation or medical records from your primary care physician that supports the fact that you do have this diagnosis. You may need to sign a release form for the marijuana consultation or you can request the records directly and send them to the doctor.

Fill out an Application to Connect With the Right Provider

Next, you’ll need to fill out an application with whatever organization you’re using to connect you with a medical marijuana recommending physician. Many people get their medical marijuana card online because not all physicians are up to date with the science of marijuana, so they may not be comfortable making a recommendation for you. An online medical marijuana system will allow you to connect with a provider that is comfortable making that recommendation.

Consult With the Doctor and Receive a Recommendation

Once you’ve contacted the right provider for your needs, you’ll have a consultation with the doctor. Some states require that you have an established relationship with the prescribing doctor; in these states, you’ll need to have two appointments with the doctor in order to receive your recommendation. Online medical marijuana websites connect you with doctors that believe in the power of medical marijuana, but remember that the doctor is not required to give you a recommendation; they will give you the recommendation if they believe that marijuana can help your condition.


A medical marijuana recommendation can be immensely helpful for many people, allowing you to get access to marijuana in states that don’t allow it otherwise and allowing you to bypass many of the taxes on recreational marijuana. If you’re interested in getting a medical marijuana recommendation, it can be very simple. Use this guide to make sure that your trip to getting a medical marijuana recommendation is as easy as possible.

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